Hypersomnia - Symptoms, Causes, Definition and Treatments

Hypersomnia: Symptoms, Causes, Definition and Treatments

Hypersomnia, which is the term for either excessive daytime drowsiness or excessive time spent sleeping, is a state in which an individual has difficulty staying awake in the daytime. Those who have hypersomnia could fall asleep at any time — for example, at the office or while they’re driving. They could also have other sleep-related issues, such as less energy and difficulty thinking clearly. A few scientists categorize hypersomnia as either primary or secondary. Primary hypersomnia is a neurological ailment which takes place by itself and has no recognized underlying cause. Secondary hypersomnia happens because of an underlying medical problem.

Hypersomnia - Symptoms, Causes, Definition and Treatments

Based on the National Sleep Foundation, as much as 40% of people get some symptoms of hypersomnia every now and then. Hypersomnia symptoms and sign include:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Trouble Staying Awake In the daytime
  • Falling Asleep at Any Time
  • Easily annoyed
  • Very low Energy
  • Memory Issues
  • Slow Speech
  • Slow Thinking

Causes of Hypersomnia

Causes of Hypersomnia

There are numerous possible causes of hypersomnia, including:

  • The sleep issues narcolepsy (daytime sleepiness) and sleep apnea (disruptions of breathing while sleeping)
  • Not obtaining sufficient sleep during the night (sleep deprivation)
  • Becoming overweight
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • A head trauma or a neurological illness, like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease
  • Prescribed drugs, like tranquilizers or antihistamines
  • Genetics (relativeswith hypersomnia)
  • Depression

Diagnosing Hypersomnia

Diagnosing Hypersomnia

In case you frequently feel drowsy in the daytime, speak to your doctor. To make a diagnosis of hypersomnia, your doctor asks you regarding your sleeping routines, just how much sleep you have during the night, in case you wake up at night, and whether you get to sleep in the daytime. Your doctor will also need to know if you’re having any emotional troubles or are consuming any drugs which may be disturbing your sleep.

Your doctor could also order a few tests, such as blood tests, computed tomography (CT) scans, as well as a sleep test known as polysomnography. In some instances, a further electroencephalogram (EEG), that measures the electrical activity of the brain, is required.

A doctor might want you to keep a sleep diary for a number of weeks just before setting up these tests, as well as need to know the amount of time the excessive daytime sleepiness has affected you. A diagnosis of hypersomnia will most likely not be done unless of course the offending symptoms have been in existence for around 3 continuous months, and without any obvious cause.

Natural and Prescribed Treatments for Hypersomnia

Treatment will be based significantly on the underlying cause of hypersomnia and whether it’s a primary or secondary issue. At times, catching up on sleep will relieve the excessive sleepiness; nevertheless, most of the time, it’s more effective to manage the underlying cause than it is to treat the particular symptom. The majority of common treatments are the use of stimulant medicines such as amphetamines to aid the person stay awake during the day. Additionally, behaviour therapy, sleep hygiene, as well as education are often included with the treatment regimen.

Natural Treatments for Hypersomnia

Proper sleep hygiene is an essential behavioral change which should be carried out. This consists of setting a regular sleeping routine, developing a sleeping environment which is suitable to quality sleep, a comfy bed and pillow, and staying away from caffeine or other stimulants close to bedtime.

A few treatment plans might include an effort at avoiding naps totally by using daytime stimulants, others will try to eliminate naps systematically, while some will encourage naps in well-balanced amounts and at proper times and places. The way hypersomnia gets treated, and with what final goal(s) in mind is perfectly up to the affected person, and these must be ambitious yet realistic.

Sleep Deprivation - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Sleep deprivation is a very common issue in modern society, leading to numerous health issues. It occurs when a person experiences interruption in sleep patterns by keeping awake because of numerous reasons. Children, adults, and senior citizens are all susceptible to the effects of sleep deprivation.

Sleep loss significantly has effects on your physical wellness, mental health, memory, feeling, and many others. Occasional modifications in sleep patterns are often not a subject of concern. However, prolonged inadequacy of sleep can lead to low productivity, not enough focus, extreme daytime drowsiness, obesity, emotional complexities, bad work performance, and a lowered perception of the quality of life.

Causes Of Sleep Deprivation

Medical Conditions – Medical Conditions such as stomach ache, upper respiratory illness, as well as pregnancy. Some other medical issues which could make it difficult to sleep and are made worse by sleep deprivation include irritability, depression, paranoia, and also anxiety.
Sleep Disorders – Issues, such as periodic limb movement condition, disrupt the sleep because it brings about jerking movements of the legs while in sleep.
Uncomfortable Environment – Although overlooked often, this could also impact your relaxing sleep. Resting in rooms which are very hot or very cold, a lot of light and noise within the room could wake you up from the sound sleep.
Pets – Having pets on the bed could be a cause of disrupted sleep.
Alcohol – Although alcohol may help you to fall sleep quicker, it awakes you up the moment the sedative action of alcohol has expired. This influences the sleep cycle or movement of stages of sleep.
Medications & Supplements – A few medications, such as steroids and beta-blockers, are recognized to keep you awake in the evening.
Exhaustion – One more common reason behind sleep deprivation. Relaxing and enabling the mind to rest is essential when the body is very tired following a stressful day.
Hot flashes – specifically in women in the menopause.

Symptoms Of Sleep Deprivation

  • Mood and behaviour changes, that might consist of anxiety, and depression
  • Issues with performance such as planning, organization, as well as judgment
  • Psychiatric symptoms including fear, disorientation, as well as hallucinations
  • Trouble focusing. This could lead to reduced reaction times, reduced work/school performance, or greater risk of vehicle accidents
  • Physical effects, like gastrointestinal symptoms, including upset stomach or diarrhea and generalized pain, discomfort and aches.
  • Any disturbance on the natural flow of the sleep cycle could affect hormones like growth hormone and thyroid hormone leading to infertility
  • Greater risk for stroke, heart problems, and asthma attack
  • Reduced capability to combat infections
  • A little reduction in the body temperature, because of cold

Treatments for Sleep Deprivation

Treatments for Sleep Deprivation

The main treatment of sleep deprivation would be to expand total sleep time. Managing the cause of sleep deprivation is often the remedy to the problem. In case a sleep disorder is interrupting sleep, the issue should be addressed so as to boost sleep period and quality. Insufficient sleep hygiene or not enough sleep is usually a cause which should be resolved.

While sleeping pills or sleep aids could be helpful for short-term use, they’re not really a cure and don’t target the underlying causes of the sleep problem – and with time might even make your symptoms even worse. Rather, you can find a number of lifestyle and behavioral modifications you could do to cope with sleep deprivation and have your sleep schedule back to normal.

  • Relaxed your anxious mind in the evening.
  • Postpone being worried.
  • Deal with stress.
  • Have frequent exercise.
  • Sustain a regular sleep schedule.
  • Observe what you drink and eat.
  • Boost your sleep environment.
  • Get caregiving support.
  • Find professional help when you suspect a medical cause for your sleep deprivation.